
Let's go!

Images Overview

There are two images, namely

  • elag2014_64 (for 64bit machines)
  • elag2014_32 (for 32bit machines)

The computer name (not really needed) is elag and the the (only) user on these machines is:

  • user name: elag
  • password: elag

VirtualBox Installation Instructions



Install VirtualBox with apt-get:

$  sudo apt-get install virtualbox virtualbox-qt virtualbox-dkms virtualbox-guest-dkms


Most of the following instructions can be done with the help of your terminal and editor of choice. PHP has already been installed on the VM but to make it work with OntoWiki we need two additional packages:

$ sudo apt-get install php5-odbc libapache2-mod-php5

The first package provides the required ODBC driver for PHP and the second one allows for the Apache2 to render PHP.

Now let’s configure php. Therefore locate php.ini via updatedb.

$ sudo updatedb
$ locate php.ini
$ [editor] /path/to/php.ini

Now change the values as recommended:

max_execution_time = 120
memory_limit = 512M
upload_max_filesize = 128M 
post_max_size = 256M
short_open_tag = On


If you are using the virtual machine you can install it from the official repositories. During the installation you will be asked to enter a password for the DBA user. For the purpose of this workshop please use dba as password.

$ sudo apt-get install virtuoso-opensource

You can now check if Virtuoso is running with:

$ sudo service virtuoso-opensource-6.1 status

Afterwards you can access the Virtuoso Conductor in your browser at http://localhost:8890/.


Now locate the virtuoso.ini and open it with an editor. On Ubuntu it is located at /etc/virtuoso-opensource-6.1/virtuoso.ini.

$ sudo updatedb
$ locate virtuoso.ini

To give Virtuoso the permission to access the OntoWiki, we have to add the future OntoWiki directory to the DirsAllowed parameter.

On this VM choose /var/www/html/OntoWiki/ and add it to the DirsAllowed parameter:

DirsAllowed = ., /usr/share/virtuoso-opensource-6.1/vad/, /var/www/html/OntoWiki, /tmp

Now restart Virtuoso to let the changes take effect.

$ sudo service virtuoso-opensource-6.1 restart

OntoWiki and Apache

Now it is time to checkout the OntoWiki from the official repository:

$ cd /var/www/html
$ sudo mkdir OntoWiki
$ sudo chown -R elag:elag OntoWiki
$ sudo apt-get install git
$ git clone OntoWiki 
$ cd OntoWiki
$ git checkout --track -b deployment/erm-hd origin/deployment/erm-hd
$ make deploy

OntoWiki uses a global config file config.ini.dist which is located in the root directory. To use it rename it to config.ini. You can now enable debugging in by uncommenting debug = true to get exeptions in case OntoWiki runs into an error.

ODBC Configuration

By default, ODBC should be working out-of-the-box. To check if your ODBC connection is working correctly execute the ODBC test.

Start ODBC test

If the test fails, click on the following button to see instructions.

Show instructions

To make ODBC work with Virtuoso, two config files have to be edited. Add following lines to /etc/odbc.ini (create if not existent):
[ODBC Data Sources]
VOS = Virtuoso

Driver = virtuoso-odbc
Description = Virtuoso Open-Source Edition
Address = localhost:1111
Then edit /etc/odbcinst.ini and add the following lines:
Driver = /usr/lib/   

Apache Configuration

Once Virtuoso, ODBC and PHP are running we can finally configure the Apache Webserver and OntoWiki. First, edit /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf

<Directory "/var/www/html">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All 

And don’t forget to activate Apache’s mod rewriting.

$ sudo a2enmod rewrite

Now Restart apache.

$ sudo service apache2 restart

Finally check http://localhost/OntoWiki if OntoWiki is running correctly.